AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientInformaticistLeaderWritten Only Data can motivate change. Changing data requires a change in life and work flow. This fifth in a series of posts about health data thinks about the value we…DannyMarch 29, 2015
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientInformaticistLeaderWritten Only Fitting data into life’s flow- a vexing dilemma This third in a series about health care data thinks about how data fits into the…DannyMarch 15, 2015
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manInformaticistLeaderWritten Only What is Health Data? An Introduction for Anyone I took a week off. I unplugged to attend the memorial service for my mom. Thanks…DannyMarch 8, 2015
AdvocateePatientInformaticistLeaderWritten Only A magic lever to best health – data and information I work in a human services agency. We support individuals with disabilities. We help people…DannyFebruary 22, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Satisfaction, Smatisfaction – any good? More and more often I'm receiving satisfaction surveys from providers of health care Interesting concept: satisfaction. Satisfaction with…DannyFebruary 1, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manInformaticistLeaderWritten Only Values for Managing Health As I transition out of this episode of my life with the passing of my…DannyJanuary 18, 2015
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Journaling – Experimenting Journaling came up several times this week. Nurse leaders in a Leadership Academy spoke about…DannyOctober 26, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Advocacy I went to my primary care doc last week for some blood work. The best…DannyOctober 19, 2014
CaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Vacation I'm on vacation visiting a friend who I first met when I was 8 years…DannyOctober 5, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderWritten Only Get to here from there – lessons from a teenager I was 17, hitchhiking through Europe, found myself lost, hiking alone through the Rondane Mountain…DannySeptember 28, 2014