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4 person panelAdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistLeaderPodcastsResearcherVideo
October 6, 2024

Insight to Impact: Patient Voices in Health Tech & Policy

Effective solutions & ethical guardrails for data-driven decision-making, care, & treatment require patient involvement in policy & technology development. (more…)
September 8, 2024

Accessible Off-Road Travel in an All-Terrain Wheelchair

Philip Shadle, CEO, Aimee Copeland Foundation opens outdoor accessibility for disabled individuals with all-terrain wheelchairs. My endorphins flow. Yeehaw! (more…)
Man smiling holding signAdvocateePatientPodcastsResearcherVideo
August 4, 2024

Communication Ninjas: Practice, Trust, Evidence

Aaron Carroll, CEO of Academy Health, discusses his journey to improve health systems & decision making through community engagement & repetitive communication. (more…)
5 pics of Casey Quinlan with a black backgroundAdvocateePatientPodcastsVideo
July 6, 2024

Adieu Mighty Casey, Flow On

Family and friends dispersed Mighty Casey (Mary) Quinlan’s ashes in the Gulfstream, reflecting on her life and sharing outrageous and mundane pics and stories. (more…)
June 2, 2024

Exploring Long Covid One Spoonful at a Time

Shana Davidson shares her day-to-day Long Covid challenges using the "spoon theory," a metaphor for the limited energy reserves people with chronic illness face (more…)
Emerging adults listening with earphonesClinicianFamily manLeaderPodcastsVideo
May 5, 2024

A Forrest Gump Career: Chance, Gifts, Support, and Privilege

Turn-around: Grandson interviews Health Hats about his Zelig-like career path and choices: unpredictable, privileged, mentored, supported, and spiritually healthy. (more…)


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    As an action catalyst, I learn with people on the journey toward best health (people as patients, caregivers, parents, clinicians, direct care staff, communities, and the people that support them). I wear many hats in healthcare:

    • Person with Multiple Sclerosis
    • Care partner for several family members’ end-of-life journeys
    • Nurse for 45+ years
    • Informaticist
    • Quality Management and Measurement leader
    • C-Suite
    • Husband, Father, Opa, Musician

    I specialize in patient/ caregiver/ clinician/ community partnerships and the intersection between research, technology, and the health journey.

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