AdvocateConsumerInformaticistLeaderPodcasts Communities Advancing Equity through Shared Measurement Communities take action to improve. Shared measurement lights the way. Simple, routine, effective. Lessons learned…Danny van LeeuwenAugust 15, 2021
ePatientLeaderPodcasts Recharging Batteries with Professionalism. Who Knew? Release endorphins in presence of professionalism & diversity. Open heart, boost learning, respect, action. Don’t…Danny van LeeuwenAugust 8, 2021
AdvocateePatientLeaderPodcasts Diverse Abilities for Our Future Rich with abilities, accomplished businessperson, autism advocate, Jimmy Clare uses mentoring and coaching well, and…Danny van LeeuwenMarch 28, 2021
AdvocateInformaticistLeaderPodcastsResearcher The Last Mile. From the Vial to the Arm. Where are you and your team on the continuum of engagement and partnership with patient-caregivers?…Danny van LeeuwenMarch 21, 2021
AdvocateCaregiverLeaderPodcasts Promotoras, Community Health Workers Rule! From the community, trusted, lived experience, life literate, bridging, valued & valuable. Russell Bennett shares…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 21, 2021
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderPodcasts Collector of stories. Channel of voices for safety & equity Patient caregiver activist, Nikki Montgomery, brings voices to healthcare Board of Directors for safety, access,…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 7, 2021
AdvocateInformaticistLeaderPodcastsResearcher #1 Train each other how to treat each other Listen to Regina Greer-Smith, pioneer and master of research without fear. Strong women leading research.…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 24, 2021
AdvocateFamily manLeaderMusicianPodcasts A 15-Minute Advantage Survival mode in a bubble of privilege until called to more radical action. 15-minute advantage,…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 17, 2021
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manLeaderMusicianPodcastsResearcher 2021 Holiday Letter: Trust Overflowing with gratefulness in the New Year. Connection, family, music, activism. Sobered by grief for…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 2, 2021
AdvocateLeaderPodcastsResearcher Health Inequities and Racism: Doing My Own Work. Diversity within diversity. Research informs action. Planting seeds of co-learning & co-production. Doing my own…Danny van LeeuwenDecember 6, 2020