AdvocateClinicianPodcastsResearcher Build It and They Will Come? Finding trusted evidence-informed guidance in worlds of chronic illness, clinician, researcher. Inclusion, equity, choices, community.…Danny van LeeuwenAugust 9, 2020
InformaticistPodcastsResearcher CDS. Listen, Learn, Informed Choice. How can we scale patient-caregiver engagement in CDS (Clinical Decision Support)? CDS as learning health…Danny van LeeuwenAugust 2, 2020
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Pain Management Choices: One Person’s Point-of-View Pain and choices mix, but not too well. A sudden new pain requires professional attention…Danny van LeeuwenOctober 28, 2018