AdvocateePatientFamily manPodcasts Camino de Santiago, Spain. Pilgrimage of sounds. #20 & 156 I found myself on a pilgrimage of sounds. Disabled. Left out. Mobile. Podcasting in Spain…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 30, 2022
AdvocateConsumerePatientInformaticistPodcasts Imagine: Leverage Abilities. Access Better Solutions. Create an inclusive, accessible co-working space for aspiring entrepreneurs with disabilities, small startups, or groups…Danny van LeeuwenJune 21, 2020
ePatientFamily manMusicianPodcasts Inspire Me Once, Inspire Me Twice Chat with Sara Lorraine Snyder: 'As a person living with a disability, we're already used…Danny van LeeuwenMay 17, 2020
ePatientFamily manPodcasts Days 6-12 Camino de Santiago. Rejuvenated, inspired, not yet peaked I just can't believe how much I'm enjoying just listening to the birds and listening…Danny van LeeuwenMay 20, 2019
AdvocateePatientFamily manPodcasts Camino de Santiago. Pilgrimage of sounds. I find myself on a pilgrimage. I thought I was tagging along with my wife's…Danny van LeeuwenMay 12, 2019
ePatientFamily manWritten Only Pride Falls I fell in New Orleans a couple of months ago flat on my face. No…Danny van LeeuwenMay 20, 2018
ePatientWritten Only I am Not My Condition I'm Disabled. Who labels themselves? Feels like crap. I applied for disability. Needed a psychological…DannySeptember 17, 2017