AdvocateCaregiverLeaderWritten Only Data, information, knowledge, wisdom, action I have written about data and research in recent posts. Readers generally understand about data…DannyJanuary 7, 2013
AdvocateWritten Only Funding Impacts Patient-Centered Research I wrote about Patient-Centered research in a previous post: Just-In Time Decisions. A different version of that post…DannyJanuary 2, 2013
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only Just-in-Time Decisions Is there a chance that focus beam brain radiation will make a difference to quality…DannyDecember 18, 2012
CaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only Hardwiring Continual Learning I'm learning to type. Amazing after all these years that I still hunt and peck.…DannyDecember 10, 2012
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only System Magic Levers of Best Health I am an e-patient, a caregiver, a nurse, an informaticist, and a leader. I live…DannyDecember 6, 2012
CaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only So Many Decisions So many decisions to make in the journey toward best health. Should I take this…DannyNovember 20, 2012
ConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Leadership of My Health Team I was reading a white paper, An Accountability Architecture for Success, by Wellesley Partners, comparing military…DannyNovember 2, 2012
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderWritten Only Care Coordination According to the September 2012 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, Communicating with Patients on Health Care Evidence, 97…DannyOctober 24, 2012
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Magic Lever – Adherence to Health Plan Unfortunately some providers call adherence to a health plan - compliance. This unhelpful label implies…DannyAugust 25, 2012
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientWritten Only Magic lever – changing habits One of the magic levers impacting best health is automatically using widely accepted, well tested…DannyAugust 9, 2012