ePatientFamily manLeaderMusicianWritten Only Increasing the Balance in Our Health Journey I'm using my health team actively this past month. I'm bone tired, stressed about work,…DannyApril 27, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only Labels – DisLabels I'm disabled. Iidentifyashaving a disability. Someone else says I'm disabled. Do Ihave a disability? I'm…DannyJanuary 11, 2015
CaregiverePatientWritten Only People at the Center -> Person at the Center = Gaps A dear friend, Vern Schmaltz, died this week of ALS. He had so looked forward…DannyAugust 31, 2014
Family manLeaderWritten Only Sabbatical Ends As many of you readers know, I've been on sabbatical for the past 7 months…DannyApril 24, 2013
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerLeaderWritten Only Trust- Another Magic Lever Recently, Joan Vitello, Associate Chief Nurse at Brigham and Women's Hospital, inspired me talking about…DannyApril 20, 2013
AdvocateCaregiverePatientFamily manWritten Only Book review: Far from the Tree Andrew Solomon’s Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity covers stories of diverse…DannyFebruary 26, 2013
ConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Patient Adherence – Lessons from Recovery I attended a planning meeting of the #PatientAdherence Working Group in Newark, NJ on Thursday.…DannyOctober 20, 2012
LeaderWritten Only Best organizational health – recovery Individual best health depends on organizational best health. I spent a valuable portion of…DannyAugust 22, 2012