CaregiverConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Tell me the damn cost up front!! Did you read the Sunday New York Times' article about the $117,000 surprise medical bill?…DannySeptember 22, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Caregivers Have Other Lives Too I'm amazed at what people are capable of. This week I met a nurse leader…DannySeptember 8, 2014
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Born again customer service A car rental experience from hell. Took 2 1/2 hours to complete car rental. Poor…DannyJune 22, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manLeaderMusicianWritten Only Community Capital – a prescription for best health This week I heard someone speak about the importance for everyone to have the opportunity…DannyJune 8, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Leadership in Family Health Crises Sudden, severe illness or protracted undefined illness likely causes a family health crisis. Families in…DannyJune 1, 2014
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Worry, a familiar & unwelcome companion Worry, a familiar and unwelcome companion on the health journey. What do I have? Will…DannyApril 20, 2014
AdvocateePatientLeaderWritten Only Defining Patient and Family Engagement – Threads in the Fabric I take part in many forums that use the term patient engagement. Most often it means…DannyMarch 30, 2014
AdvocateConsumerLeaderWritten Only Can health care organizations learn? I'm stuck. I'm obsessed with how organizations learn. In my day job as Vice President…DannyMarch 23, 2014
CaregiverConsumerLeaderMusicianWritten Only Authority and confidence does NOT equal right I play saxophone in a combo - I'm the only horn. I come in with…DannyFebruary 23, 2014
AdvocateLeaderWritten Only Engagement after the Olympics – a Marathon not a Sprint I'm watching the Olympics a lot this week. These athletes are so focused and consumed…DannyFebruary 16, 2014