AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderResearcherWritten Only An Experiment of One I was discharged after bypass surgery with 26 pages of instructions. I was just concerned…DannyOctober 2, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistLeaderMusicianResearcherWritten Only Life literacy – If you can’t explain it to a six year old… I play baritone saxophone in community Latin and blues funk bands. Our professional musician leader…DannySeptember 18, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistResearcherWritten Only Harmonic Convergence Consider the fabric of best health. The Quadruple Aim (Best patient and clinician experience, best…DannyJuly 31, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Your Communities Need You! Black Lives Matter! Disability Rights! Women's Right to Choose! Gimme My DaM Data! Calls to…DannyJuly 10, 2016
AdvocateClinicianePatientResearcherWritten Only AACH: Communication and Relationships I attended the American Academy of Communication in Healthcare Conference in New Haven. The AACH…DannyJune 19, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only A Roller Coaster of Love 225 weekly blog posts. How do I do it?, a reader recently asked me. The…DannyMay 15, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Clinical Practice Guidelines – Oh My Aching Brain Last time I saw my Primary Care Provider I asked if I needed to keep…DannyMay 8, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientLeaderResearcherWritten Only Experiences, experiments, reflection, action This week people told me stories about a moment in their health journey - Symptoms,…DannyApril 17, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverFamily manResearcherWritten Only A caregiver is [not] a caregiver, is [not] a caregiver When my mother was dying I was a long distance caregiver. My mom made her…DannyApril 10, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientInformaticistResearcherWritten Only Not collected? Not studied. What do people consider to be clinical data, when they're not wearing the hat of…DannyFebruary 21, 2016