AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistResearcherWritten Only Harmonic Convergence Consider the fabric of best health. The Quadruple Aim (Best patient and clinician experience, best…DannyJuly 31, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Your Communities Need You! Black Lives Matter! Disability Rights! Women's Right to Choose! Gimme My DaM Data! Calls to…DannyJuly 10, 2016
AdvocateClinicianePatientResearcherWritten Only AACH: Communication and Relationships I attended the American Academy of Communication in Healthcare Conference in New Haven. The AACH…DannyJune 19, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only A Roller Coaster of Love 225 weekly blog posts. How do I do it?, a reader recently asked me. The…DannyMay 15, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Clinical Practice Guidelines – Oh My Aching Brain Last time I saw my Primary Care Provider I asked if I needed to keep…DannyMay 8, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientLeaderResearcherWritten Only Experiences, experiments, reflection, action This week people told me stories about a moment in their health journey - Symptoms,…DannyApril 17, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverFamily manResearcherWritten Only A caregiver is [not] a caregiver, is [not] a caregiver When my mother was dying I was a long distance caregiver. My mom made her…DannyApril 10, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientInformaticistResearcherWritten Only Not collected? Not studied. What do people consider to be clinical data, when they're not wearing the hat of…DannyFebruary 21, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only What’s Pokeman Got to Do With It? I went to a meeting in Chinatown attended by parents with children on the autism…DannyFebruary 14, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderResearcherWritten Only Learning from What Doesn’t Work Notice how young kids learn to walk. Try, fail, try again, over and over until…DannyJanuary 17, 2016