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CDS : Choices About Your Health With Your Team

Clinical Decision Support (CDS):

Computable  information for people to make health choices

when needed, that they can use, in a context reflecting their life experience

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Humanity Before Technology-Clinical Decision Support

Humanity Before Technology – Clinical Decision Support

Walking through the who, what, where, and why of clinical decisions and Clinical Decision Support? Why we should care and what can we do? I’m also going to talk about uncertainty, the three T’s (Time, Trust and Talk) and the two C’s (Control and Connection).

Full transcript here

Recorded 10/31/19

Published 11/3/2019

Clinical Decision Support Technology - Still Human

Clinical Decision Support Technology – Still Human

Laura Marcial talks with us about making the tech sausage of Clinical Decision Support: Guidelines, evidence, rules, knowledge engineers. Clinical decision-making still depends on human trust time, talk, control, and connection.

Full transcript here

Recorded 11/14/19

Published 12/15/2019

Partner with People at the Center End-to-End

Partner with People at the Center End-to-End

Despite what anyone tells you, Clinical Decision Support (CDS) is an experiment. It only gets better with use. We, patients and caregivers, should try it, whatever it is, and learn. Learn what helps us make decisions and what doesn’t.

Full transcript here

Recorded 11/13/2019

Published 11/17/2019

Trust: Willing to be Vulnerable. Worth the Investment.

Trust: Willing to be Vulnerable. Worth the Investment.

Best health builds on trust – trust in people, institutions, information, and solutions. I trust my primary care doc. I trust my chiropractor. I trust my instincts. I trust my gut. I do. I trust my wife. She trusts me. Trust doesn’t mean blind following. Rather trust leads to more control or feeling more in control. I need trust when I’m in a crisis and can’t think clearly. I listen to my immediate family and my two lead docs (in that order). I’m likely to do what they recommend. Trust is for when I need to decide but can’t or don’t want to. Trust is for times of uncertainty. Conversation with Jodyn Platt

Full transcript here

Recorded 01/15/2020

Published 01/19/2020

CDS. Listen, Learn, Informed Choice.

CDS. Listen, Learn, Informed Choice.

How can we scale patient-caregiver engagement in CDS (Clinical Decision Support)? CDS as learning health systems? Interview with Lacy Fabian at MITRE and Ed Lomotan at AHRQ. CDS Connect a library of medical recommendations made useful for programming into electronic records, apps, and software so patients, caregivers, and clinicians can use them as they make choices together.

Full transcript here

Recorded 07/20/2020

Published 08/02/2020

Build It and They Will Come?

Build It and They Will Come?

Finding trusted evidence-informed guidance in worlds of chronic illness, clinician, researcher. Inclusion, equity, choices, community. iConquerMS. Conversation with Cherie Binns.

Full transcript here

Recorded 07/24/2020

Published 08/09/2020

Infodemiology. Too much. Not enough.

Infodemiology. Too much. Not enough.

An overabundance of info makes it difficult to find trusted sources, reliable guidance when needed, in manner, context, & useful format. With Janice McCallum.

Full transcript here

Recorded 07/27/2020

Published 08/16/2020

CDS. Listen, Learn, Informed Choice.

CDS. Listen, Learn, Informed Choice.

How can we scale patient-caregiver engagement in CDS (Clinical Decision Support)? CDS as learning health systems? Interview with Lacy Fabian at MITRE and Ed Lomotan at AHRQ. CDS Connect a library of medical recommendations made useful for programming into electronic records, apps, and software so patients, caregivers, and clinicians can use them as they make choices together.

Full transcript here

Recorded 7/20/2020

Published 8/2/2020

Health Goals to Clinical Decisions (CDS)

Metacognition wordle by Nancy Smith

Health Goals to Clinical Decisions (CDS)

It’s hard to reach personal health goals or solve medical problems without a plan.  Plans require decisions. Never-ending decisions (choices) in the health journey. Clinicians, researchers, and insurance companies study and use Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to help with the decision-making process. It’s a shortcut for using research (evidence) in the decision-making. Some talk about patient-centered decision support (see a definition at the bottom of this post). They’re trying to figure out how to help people to make decisions in two minutes of ten-minute visits. Yet, few patients or caregivers I’ve met ever talk about CDS.  So how can people understand the value and limitations of CDS?

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Recorded 10/1/2017

Published 10/1/2017

Health Choices. Knowledge + Behavior. Your Life Depends on It.

Health Choices. Knowledge + Behavior. Your Life Depends on It.

Healthcare decisions affect you and others. Complicated for everyone. Knowledge waiting to be implemented. Join this chat with Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz.

Full transcript here

Recorded 12/13/2021

Published 2/6/2022

In the Wild: Data to Info to Action & Back & Again

In the Wild: Data to Info to Action & Back & Again

Data is not info is not action. Data, cooked into Info could lead to action. People add context, values, culture, experiences, history, biases to data and info.

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Recorded 1/6/2022

Published 2/20/2022

Decision Aids: Tools to Support Conversation About Choice.

Decision Aids: Tools to Support Conversation About Choice.

Decision aids with Dr. Daniel Matlock. Complexity of decisions, agency of decision-makers, timing, the black box, answering questions as they arise.

Find full transcript here

Recorded 1/17/2022

Published 3/20/2022

Blessings in Chronic Pain. Patient, Doctor, Plan.

Blessings in Chronic Pain. Patient, Doctor, Plan.

Chronic pain touches much. Art, science, never-ending experiment. Patient, doctor, plan. Gratifying when it works. Chat with Dr. David Edwards, pain specialist.

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Recorded 8/12/2020

Published 8/30/2020


Putting Patients at the Center of Pain Management Decisions

Putting Patients at the Center of Pain Management Decisions

Clinical decision support researchers, developers, and implementers this is for you. Clinical decision support (CDS) technology can maximize trust and engagement during decision-making if used to its full potential. Or NOT. Consider the patient and family perspective in making choices about pain management and opioid use CDS.

Find blog post here

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Published 10/7/2018

It’s not so simple – making treatment choices

Photo by Mark Daynes on Unsplash

It’s not so simple – making treatment choices

We (patients and clinicians) need all the help we can get making informed health care decisions. We need the right information to the right person, in the right format, through the right channel, at the right time in our life flow and workflow – The five rights.

Full blog transcript here

Published 3/18/2018


caregivers hands