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Finite disappointment, infinite hope

By September 13, 2015December 6th, 2023Caregiver, ePatient, Family man, Leader, Written Only
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“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”― Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mutual disappointment can  bring out our best selves or worst selves – disappointment in a lover, friend, colleague, hero, business associate, health team member. Underwhelmed by expected results -> disappointment.  No disappointment without high hopes. Disappointment drains my immune system and fills my gut like sucking air out of a large balloon. I want to keep the best imprint in my mind of my disappointment partner. I need my best self to have that kind of vision. More than one friend has called me a pathological optimist. My funky immune system can still fire that optimism. Not without cost. My family and friends provide more fuel. Thank you lord. May you all find your best selves when tripping over disappointment. Stay strong. Love yourselves. It’s a magic lever for best health.