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Journaling – Experimenting

By October 26, 2014December 6th, 2023Caregiver, Clinician, Consumer, ePatient, Leader, Written Only
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Journaling came up several times this week. Nurse leaders in a Leadership Academy spoke about change efforts they were making at work to increase involvement of patients, reducing noise in the hospital, trying to help their teams work better together. I spoke with someone facing increased symptoms also receiving more and more friendly, loving advice about treating those symptoms from professionals, friends and acquaintances. Each of these people could benefit from journaling. Life is a continuous experiment. Keep trying stuff – some works, some doesn’t. I find it helps to keep track in relative real-time. Going back to see where I’ve come with information to pass on to colleagues and caregivers. Journaling is writing it down – on paper or electronically. If you hadn’t noticed, this blog is a very public way for me to journal.  So, with the nurse leaders, journaling is taking a moment periodically, every day or week, to jot down emotions, activities, responses, movement, barriers. For the person at the center of care, jot down symptoms, what makes it better, what makes it worse, what you tried, what was suggested that you didn’t try, what would you like to try? Check out DayOne Journaling if you have an Apple device.  Paper is always good, too. If you are a caregiver or friend of the person at the center, offer to keep the journal for them. It’s a bridge builder.


  • Danny says:

    Diaries, journals. Interesting stuff

  • Sue Spivack says:

    I began with diaries as a kid, and I guess I’ve never stopped, though in recent years, I’ve stopped the prose journaling and done it with daily poems which are also the seed bed of most of my finished poems. In my journal sub-directory for each year (for the last 5-10 years) are now emails with friends and family in which I recite some of the dailiness or latest adventures (inner and outer) of life that don’t always get into the poems.

  • KathyPooler says:

    Danny, you are absolutely right, Journaling can be a lifesaver for healthcare providers and patients. It helps one unload and adds clarity and focus to feelings brewing underneath the surface,Thanks for the link to DayOne Journaling. I’ll be checking it out.