Quality of life depends on quality of health
Every bit of our lives goes into our health – our individual behavior, our social circumstances, our genetic makeup, the environment, and our medical care. The journey toward quality of health involves learning what works for us and our communities and letting that guide us as we travel. We[1] all use data to learn. Today, using data can seem like drinking dirty water from a fire hose – too much, without reducing thirst. We need the right information about the right person or group of people at the right time in the right manner, in the hands of the right person.
[1] We = Health Team and Other Stakeholders.
Health Team = People working on their health, caregivers, care partners, clinicians, direct care and support people.
Stakeholders = Advocates, policymakers, funders, insurers, researchers, legislators, builders, technologists, designers, leaders.
Data informs quality of health
Individuals want the ability to gather, control and share their health data. Increasingly, this data is sourced digitally, such as from smart devices and mobile apps, and may be stored in electronic health records. The more complex a person’s health conditions, the more likely the sources of data will grow. Many people want to be able to give permission to anyone who has access to that data, and they want to be able to change their minds over time.
Where is my data?
Why I Got a QR Code Tattooed on My Sternum
Data to change habits
A Mystery Mission in LA: Aetna, Apple, and a Vision of Digital Health’s Future, Part 1