CaregiverePatientFamily manWritten Only It’s a Caregiver Xmas I started crying today. My wife reminded me to rinse my mouth with salt water.…DannyDecember 24, 2012
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only Just-in-Time Decisions Is there a chance that focus beam brain radiation will make a difference to quality…DannyDecember 18, 2012
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only System Magic Levers of Best Health I am an e-patient, a caregiver, a nurse, an informaticist, and a leader. I live…DannyDecember 6, 2012
AdvocateClinicianePatientLeaderWritten Only Magic levers in Medically Induced Trauma You're not alone, we can help. Sigh... such reassurance in those words. Medically Induced Trauma Support Services…DannyDecember 2, 2012
ConsumerLeaderWritten Only Magic Lever – Trust Best health builds on trust. Trust in yourself, trust in your health team, trust among…DannySeptember 1, 2012
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Magic Lever – Adherence to Health Plan Unfortunately some providers call adherence to a health plan - compliance. This unhelpful label implies…DannyAugust 25, 2012
ConsumerePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Magic lever – resilience Tragedy is the common unifying force of life and organizations. The more seasoned you are,…DannyAugust 17, 2012
CaregiverClinicianePatientWritten Only Magic lever – Setting a goal for best health A best health goal is a milestone in a health journey. These goals can be…DannyAugust 13, 2012
CaregiverePatientFamily manWritten Only Superpowers What are my superpowers? What are your superpowers? Love having this conversation with my grandson.…DannyJuly 27, 2012
ClinicianePatientWritten Only Exercise – the instant magic lever Seems like a no brainer. Exercise, the instant magic lever for best health. Profoundly affects…DannyJuly 25, 2012