AdvocateConsumerePatientFamily manLeaderWritten Only Secretary General of Your Health Team I want to be a good leader of my healthcare team. How would I know? …DannyJanuary 31, 2016
AdvocateClinicianePatientWritten Only Better Clinician Experience, better #PtExp erience I attended a meeting last week of Mass Health (Massachusetts Medicaid)'s Payment and Care Delivery…DannyJanuary 24, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderResearcherWritten Only Learning from What Doesn’t Work Notice how young kids learn to walk. Try, fail, try again, over and over until…DannyJanuary 17, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientInformaticistLeaderWritten Only #Innovation and #Mentoring I'm attending an Entrepreneur's Think Tank at the local Career Center and the Tech Sandbox…DannyJanuary 10, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverConsumerePatientWritten Only Presidential Candidates on #Healthcare? How do I research presidential candidate views on healthcare? What if I google each candidate's…DannyJanuary 3, 2016
CaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manLeaderMusicianWritten Only Last Post, New Year Last post of 2015. Reviewing the year in 51 blog posts, we discussed: Death and…DannyDecember 28, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistResearcherWritten Only Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) When I first heard about Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) I thought they were talking…DannyDecember 21, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientLeaderWritten Only Medical Residents and Safety Listening to an article on Morning Edition this week, Is It Safe for Medical Residents…DannyDecember 13, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientMusicianWritten Only Amateurs Among Professionals I play in an amateur blues funk combo. Yesterday we had a gig at a…DannyDecember 7, 2015
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientInformaticistWritten Only Burning out professionals, oh my Several readers commented about the disruption of revolving door members of their professional health team…DannyNovember 29, 2015