AdvocateePatientInformaticistPodcastsResearcher Feb 28th Rare Disease Day: Zebras and Equity #159 Rare diseases as a health equity group. Rare doesn't mean never. Commonalities & differences.Learning from…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 27, 2022
AdvocateClinicianePatientInformaticistPodcastsResearcher In the Wild: Data to Info to Action & Back & Again #158 Data is not info is not action. Data, cooked into Info could lead to action.…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 20, 2022
CaregiverClinicianePatientPodcastsResearcher Health Choices. Knowledge + Behavior. Your Life Depends on It. Healthcare decisions affect you and others. Complicated for everyone. Knowledge waiting to be implemented. Join…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 6, 2022
AdvocateePatientFamily manPodcasts Camino de Santiago, Spain. Pilgrimage of sounds. #20 & 156 I found myself on a pilgrimage of sounds. Disabled. Left out. Mobile. Podcasting in Spain…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 30, 2022
AdvocateClinicianePatientLeaderPodcasts Sustained Community Engagement-Rousing, Nimble, Complex #155 The odyssey of sustained community engagement at Cambridge Health Alliance with Janice John and Jamila…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 16, 2022
AdvocateePatientPodcasts Sound and Noise. Senses and Voice. A Reprise. #19 & 154 Revisit 2019 travel to Spain with disabilities. A guest in other people's lives. Differentiating between…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 9, 2022
AdvocateCaregiverePatientFamily manLeaderMusicianPodcasts Coaching for Peak Performance and Best Health – 2021 #153 Coaching, critical to my success in life, art, politics, advocacy. Still need to do my…Danny van LeeuwenJanuary 2, 2022
AdvocateePatientFamily manLeaderPodcasts Community Engagement – Harmonizing to the Same Tune #150 Dr. Kirsten Meisinger from the Cambridge Health Alliance engages long-standing community partners in telehealth usability…Danny van LeeuwenNovember 28, 2021
CaregiverePatientFamily manPodcasts Family: Open Heart, Unconditional Love, Boundaries #149 My son. Mike, died 19 years ago, age 26. Wasn't born with a tattoo telling…Danny van LeeuwenNovember 21, 2021
AdvocateClinicianePatientInformaticistPodcasts Continuously Learn What Works #148 These three stories, my doctor and me, equity in health systems, care of children with…Danny van LeeuwenNovember 14, 2021