Grateful for our blessed life together. Grateful for our home with the footstep rhythm of…
DannyNovember 26, 2017

I just got home from the 2nd Annual National Caregiving Conference in Chicago convened and…
DannyNovember 12, 2017

At the #PCORI2017 Annual Meeting, Alan Alda showed us a simple mirror improv exercise (remember…
DannyNovember 5, 2017

Payment for medical services is shifting from paying for volume (more visits, tests, visits, days…
DannyOctober 22, 2017

In its simplest form communication is who, what and how. Who needs to communicate? What do they need to…
DannyOctober 15, 2017

Let's continue the conversation about making choices along our health journey. I call this choice-making…
DannyOctober 8, 2017