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Push, push

By August 23, 2015December 6th, 2023Advocate, Caregiver, Clinician, Consumer, ePatient, Family man, Leader, Written Only
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My wife waits to tell me about something she wants us to do or buy, because I’ll just do it or buy it. Bam, bam. I’m a doer.  Push, push.  About 20 years ago I realized that the biggest stress for my teams was me. Push, push. My line is, let’s develop our work plan with the idea that we will do 75% of what we set out to do.  If we do 100%, we didn’t set our sights high enough.  The nice thing about push, push, is that if the team or I am stressed we can pull back on the throttle and take it a little easier – no one will know, but us. If I’m unhappy with something, it’s push, push – do something to make it better.  I don’t wait well and let it play out – enjoy the moment, be patient.  This week my neurologist reviewed my progress  over the past six years (of my progressive MS) and told me I was doing great in almost everything. Everything except walking.  That’s getting worse. And he said, I’m sorry to say, but it’s not going to get better. This is where push, push doesn’t work so well.  I think I can be patient and let it play out.