AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manInformaticistLeaderMusicianPodcastsResearcher Special edition for blog subscribers only Health Hats, The Blog is changing. I'm the same 2-legged white man of privilege, living…Danny van LeeuwenFebruary 18, 2019
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manWritten Only Stoking My Fires Success is feeling like I have too much to do two days a week, not…Danny van LeeuwenOctober 21, 2018
ePatientMusicianWritten Only What Do You Do for Fun? Yes, you concerned readers, I'm still playing my baritone saxophone. I'm taking lessons every two…Danny van LeeuwenJuly 29, 2018
AdvocateePatientMusicianWritten Only I’m Gonna Quit I'm ready to quit playing my horn. I can't seem to bring what I've learned…Danny van LeeuwenJune 3, 2018
AdvocateCaregiverePatientLeaderMusicianResearcherWritten Only Failure is Under-Rated I’ve told my teams over the years, if we don’t fail several times a week…DannyApril 29, 2018
Family manMusicianWritten Only Penny Whistle for Father Who knew he loved penny whistles? The pianist who accompanied his cello-playing friend on piano…DannyJune 18, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverePatientMusicianWritten Only Taking a Risk OMG, I'm upgrading my website. I started the blog almost 5 years ago setting up…DannyMay 29, 2017
AdvocateePatientLeaderMusicianWritten Only Stranger in a Strange Land OMG, where's my wife? I need to be rescued. I can't do this. I can't…DannyNovember 4, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverePatientInformaticistLeaderMusicianResearcherWritten Only Life literacy – If you can’t explain it to a six year old… I play baritone saxophone in community Latin and blues funk bands. Our professional musician leader…DannySeptember 18, 2016
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerePatientFamily manInformaticistLeaderWritten Only Scared? My friend, Phyllis, in Cleveland suggested I might be asking the wrong question: "What works…DannyMay 22, 2016