AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientFamily manLeaderResearcherWritten Only CEO of My Health Team I am the CEO (Chief Executive Officer, the boss) of my health team with a…DannyDecember 10, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianConsumerFamily manWritten Only Caregivers Rule: National Caregiving Conference I just got home from the 2nd Annual National Caregiving Conference in Chicago convened and…DannyNovember 12, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only CMS Quality Measures for People Payment for medical services is shifting from paying for volume (more visits, tests, visits, days…DannyOctober 22, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverClinicianePatientResearcherWritten Only Dragging or Walking? In its simplest form communication is who, what and how. Who needs to communicate? What do they need to…DannyOctober 15, 2017
CaregiverClinicianePatientWritten Only Help Making Choices Let's continue the conversation about making choices along our health journey. I call this choice-making…DannyOctober 8, 2017
CaregiverClinicianePatientResearcherWritten Only Health Goals to Clinical Decisions (CDS) It's hard to reach personal health goals or solve medical problems without a plan. Plans…DannyOctober 1, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverePatientWritten Only What Keeps You Up at Night? I'm not a complainer or worrier-at least not often or for long. Comparatively, I have…DannyJuly 16, 2017
Family manMusicianWritten Only Penny Whistle for Father Who knew he loved penny whistles? The pianist who accompanied his cello-playing friend on piano…DannyJune 18, 2017
AdvocateePatientInformaticistLeaderResearcherWritten Only Resist, Fund Me, Change, Join, Decide, Click, Lead The pervasive drumbeat of Calls for Action in healthcare overwhelms me, excite me, bewilder…DannyApril 16, 2017
AdvocateCaregiverePatientResearcherWritten Only Misdiagnosis – How can Patients Help Doctors? The Washington Post reported this week about a study done at the Mayo Clinic where…DannyApril 9, 2017